Your theme is set up to show post previews on the home page and archive pages. This gives your blog a clean and organized feel by showing only part of the post content with a “read more” link to the full post. The post previews will show the featured image assigned to each post. In order for an image to show you will need to be sure that you have assigned a featured image.
1st decide on the orientation you would like your images to display as on the homepage
Do you want to show a small square images? A tall vertical image? Horizontal images? Decide what you like bet and then set that in the customize area. Here’s how:
On step 4 above be sure to check “Display the featured image?”
Next, set the “featured” image (the image you want to dislay on the homepage) this is done from within the post.
If you will be using the homepage slider: Upload images at least 1100px wide (do not go much bigger as many hosting accounts have set file upload limits) this size will ensure that your images are large enough for the slider and will accommodate the post preview image.
If you will not be using the slider: Upload images that are at least 740px wide.
Images not displaying at the size you chose?
If you changed your image orientation after adding your images to you post or featured image area you will need to regenerate your images to convert them to the new size. There is a plug-in that can easily do this for you!
To use the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin:
- Go to your dashboard and select Plugins -> Add new from the menu.
- Search for “Regenerate Thumbnails”.
- Click install.
- Click activate.
Then head over to your dashboard—->Tools—->Regenerate Thumbnails—-> Click “regenerate all thumbnails”
This may take some time depending on how many images you have.